How time flies! Only yesterday I was dweedling my thumbs thru the sound of Christmas songs and now it is the month of March already...month of graduation, sad goodbyes and new beginnings! It's actually, my third month with APAC already and we are preparing to transfer to Cubao in the middle of this month. Of course, everyone's excited since it will be our official home and lots of us are already scouting for gimmick places around Cubao.
As for me, I haven't got enough time to think about myself lately. I'm more focused with my work and I am still a passive smoker (although most of my officemates are convincing me to smoke) and still a passive admirer. I have come to terms with some emotional difficulties as of late but none of it is so distracting that it could affect my work. Still aiming and hoping for the best for myself, of course.
Message: 45 TRUTHS
Talk to the boy/girl you like/love? Nope.
Realized anything new? Yeah, I realized that there is a huge diferrence between giving up and letting go...
Talk to an ex? Nope.
Miss someone? Yeah.
Slept in your bed? My nephew, Yuki.
That saw/heard u cry? Haidee.
You went to the movies with? Last movie I went to, I went alone.
You said "I love you" to? My team leader.
Who made you laugh? Shey.
Said they loved you? ???
Called you in the middle of the night? My cousin.
You have a crush on? Kay.
What book are you reading now? Cry to Heaven by Anne Rice.
Best feeling in the world? Contentment.
Favorite location? Basta sa beach.
What are you most scared of right now? That I'd lose focus again and lose the chance to redeem myself.
When do you want to get married? Not in the near future...
Who do you really hate? Nobody.
Does anyone really hate you? I don't know and honestly, I don't care!
Do you like being around people? Yeah.
Are you lonely right now? Nope.
Song stuck in your head right now? If Tomorrow Never Comes by Ronan Keating.
Been on radio or TV? Yes, just once...
Ever liked someone who treated you like crap? Nope.
How many beds did you lay in yesterday? Just one.
What kind of shirt are you wearing right now? Gray crew-neck shirt with a sailing print at the back.
How much cash do you have right now? P230.00
Who got you to join friendster? A college friend.
What did you have for dinner last night? Pinakbet and rice.
Do you have plants in your room? No! Why should I?
Does anything hurt on your body right now? I have a bruise in my right knee and I don't know how it got there.
When was your last cab ride? Yesterday with Nimfa, Chenggay, JM and Drew.
Would you rather be told the truth that could potentially destroy your life and change everything you know, or a lie that would save you from the truth? Before, I always say "What you don't know won't hurt you"...As time goes by, I realized how important it is to tell the truth to people and be honest with them no matter how painful it would be for them. It would be more unfair for the person if you go on fooling them by continuously telling them a lie than to tell them the painful truth. Yes, it might hurt them but at least, you would leave them with their dignity intact than to fool them with lies.