Sep 24, 2007

To My Best Pal, On Your Birthday


Another year added to your life. Hope everything's good. It was so nice seeing you again after several months. I must say, I dread going there especially with Yen in tow but to quote what my officemate often say, "I know where your heart is", so I guess I just pulled off enough courage to let her come with me without asking you first. I don't even know how you would react. I warned Yen that perhaps you'll strangle me once you saw her with me but as we all know, nothing of the kind has happened. You just sat there like a teen-aged schoolboy caught by his crush staring. That is the first time that I saw you smile again since you told me that you two had decided to part ways. Until last night, you continued to send message thanking me for what I'd done that I had to turn off my cp so that I could get some sleep (as you know, I only had two hours of sleep all day Saturday).

In a way, I'm just happy to know that somehow, once in life, I have made someone happy. I guess this is the one thing that I do best: making someone else happy, brightening someone else's day. Sometimes, I would give away happiness like Santa Claus (Christmas is just around the corner) that I often forget about myself. At times, I would also give away the very thing that makes me happy so that I could live in harmony with others. Always thinking about what the other person might feel...that has been my trade mark, then and now.

Don't think that I have no wish for you. I still hope all the best for you. Everyone deserves to be happy, especially you. If not with her, then perhaps, someday,someone else would find you (remember your message? "don't look for that special someone to come into your life rather be that special person in someone else's life"). By then, maybe...just maybe, you would truly be happy. Until then, know that I'm always here for you. At least, we both have found our one great love...a lot of people go thru life without finding them...

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